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  • Asari Short Neck Clam 日本花蛤 500gm

Asari Short Neck Clam/lala 日本花蛤(啦啦) 500gm

RM 4.50
Asari Short Neck Clam/lala 日本花蛤(啦啦) 500gm Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Description 详情

Weight 重量     : 500gm per pack 

Origin 产地      China 中国

Benefits 益处   

Rich in Vitamin B12, helps to increase blood circulation

富含维生素 B12, 有助于促进血液循环

Notice 注意         : 

Note for salmon fish head-07.jpg

Serving Suggestion 建议烹调法 

Stir Fry Garlic Clam 蒜炒啦啦

Ingredients 材料 :

  • 500g clams (cleaned) / 500克 啦啦 (已处理干净)
  • 2 cloves garlic chopped / 2瓣 大蒜 切碎 
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger / 1茶匙 姜 切碎
  • 1 red chili chopped / 1条 红辣椒 切碎
  • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce / 1汤匙 蚝油
  • 1/2 cup chinese cooking wine /  1/2杯 花雕酒

Instruction 做法 :

  1. First defrost the clams under room temperature.
  2. Prepare all the ingredients needed to stir-fry the clams.
  3. Heat up cooking oil in wok. The add in chopped garlic, ginger and red chili. Stir fry over medium heat until fragrant and the garlic turns slightly golden brown. 
  4. Quickly add in the defrosted clams. Stir fry  for about 3min.
  5. Then add in oyster sauce and toss the clams for about 1 min until the sauce is well mixed into the clam. 
  6. Lastly add in the chinese cooking wine and stir fry until all the ingredients are well combined. 
  7. Just before dishing out, mix in the cut spring onion. 
  8. Service immediately with rice.

  1. 首先将冷冻啦啦放在室温下解冻。
  2. 再来准备所需配料。
  3. 下油热锅。放入蒜末、姜末、辣椒末,中火爆香直到蒜末呈金黄色。
  4. 接着放入解冻后的啦啦。翻炒约3分钟。
  5. 接下来,加入蚝油继续翻炒约1分钟至收汁。
  6. 最后放入花雕酒翻炒均匀。
  7. 出国前撒上葱花即可。
  8. 趁热上桌,搭配白米饭首选。

Source : https://www.huangkitchen.com/stir-fry-garlic-clams/

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