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Barramundi Fish Fillet Siakap 金目鲈鱼片 400-500gm/pkt

RM 25.50
Barramundi Fish Fillet Siakap 金目鲈鱼片 400-500gm/pkt Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Description 详情

Weight 重量     : 400-450gm +/- per packet 

Benefits 益处   

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, helps in boosting immune system.

富含omega-3 脂肪酸,有助于促进免疫系统。

Notice 注意         : 

notice 4-03.jpg

Serving Suggestion 建议烹调法 

Pan Grilled Barramundi with Lemon Garlic Butter Sauce 蒜香柠檬金目鲈


Ingredients 材料 :

  • 100-200g barramundi fillet / 100-200克 金目鲈鱼片
  • 2 cloves minced garlic / 2瓣大蒜切碎
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil 
  • salt to taste / 盐 适量
  • 2 tablespoon  butter / 2 汤匙 黄油
  • 1 tablespoon water / 1 汤匙 清水 
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar / 半茶匙 糖

Instruction 做法 :

  1. After thawed,  pat dry the fillet and lightly marinade with some salt.
  2. Add olive oil to the fillet and spread it evenly. Set aside.
  3. Add butter to the pan then stir fry minced garlic.
  4. Add lemon juice and water.
  5. Add sugar. When sauce starts to sizzle, off flame and set aside. 
  6. Pan fried the fillet on non-stick pan till cooked or lightly browned at the side. Remove from flame. 
  7. Pour the lemon garlic butter sauce on the cooked fillet.
  8. Lastly , garnish with parsley and set hot. 

  1. 鱼片解冻后,拍干以及用盐稍微腌制。
  2. 将橄榄油均匀的涂抹的鱼片上,静置备用。
  3. 平底锅加入黄油,放入大蒜爆香。
  4. 接着依序加入柠檬汁以及清水。
  5. 再来加入糖煮至冒泡后离火晾凉备用、
  6. 再下来,将鱼片香煎至全熟或颜色金黄即可装盘。
  7. 将晾凉后的酱汁淋在煎好的鱼肉上。
  8. 最后,撒上欧芹装饰即可上桌。

Source : https://eatwhattonight.com/2018/12/pan-grilled-barramundi-fish-with-lemon-garlic-butter-sauce/

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