Description 详情
Weight 重量 : 400-450gm +/- per packet
Benefits 益处 :
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, helps in boosting immune system.
富含omega-3 脂肪酸,有助于促进免疫系统。
Notice 注意 :
Serving Suggestion 建议烹调法
Pan Grilled Barramundi with Lemon Garlic Butter Sauce 蒜香柠檬金目鲈
Ingredients 材料 :
- 100-200g barramundi fillet / 100-200克 金目鲈鱼片
- 2 cloves minced garlic / 2瓣大蒜切碎
- 2 tablespoon olive oil
- salt to taste / 盐 适量
- 2 tablespoon butter / 2 汤匙 黄油
- 1 tablespoon water / 1 汤匙 清水
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar / 半茶匙 糖
Instruction 做法 :
- After thawed, pat dry the fillet and lightly marinade with some salt.
- Add olive oil to the fillet and spread it evenly. Set aside.
- Add butter to the pan then stir fry minced garlic.
- Add lemon juice and water.
- Add sugar. When sauce starts to sizzle, off flame and set aside.
- Pan fried the fillet on non-stick pan till cooked or lightly browned at the side. Remove from flame.
- Pour the lemon garlic butter sauce on the cooked fillet.
- Lastly , garnish with parsley and set hot.
- 鱼片解冻后,拍干以及用盐稍微腌制。
- 将橄榄油均匀的涂抹的鱼片上,静置备用。
- 平底锅加入黄油,放入大蒜爆香。
- 接着依序加入柠檬汁以及清水。
- 再来加入糖煮至冒泡后离火晾凉备用、
- 再下来,将鱼片香煎至全熟或颜色金黄即可装盘。
- 将晾凉后的酱汁淋在煎好的鱼肉上。
- 最后,撒上欧芹装饰即可上桌。
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